25 Ballykeigle Road
BT23 5SD
Telephone: +44 (0)
The Co-op comprises 7 friends who know each other either from the martial arts or punk rock scene in Belfast. For the Co-op members, home brewing is part of a mutual interest of growing fruit and vegetables, foraging, rearing pigs and chickens and a general love of self sufficiency.
The brewery itself is situated on 5 acres of land where they have 360 Cider apple and Perry pear trees, 10 pigs, 5 chickens, 4 dogs, 1 goat, fruit and veg plots and a bee hive! The trees are in their infancy and we are hoping in the coming years to have a line of Farmageddon Cider and Perry from these ancient breeds. The bees will help to pollinate all the plants. Our beer contains no preservatives or fish by-products and we use natural carrigan from Strangford Lough as an alternative also making it suitable for vegans.
Ceased brewing.